Results for 'Xitao le ChengHu'

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  1.  38
    Zhe Liu (2019): The Case You’re Working on is About Others’ Life.Xitao le ChengHu - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):245-249.
  2.  66
    A No-Trade Theorem under Knightian Uncertainty with General Preferences.Chenghu Ma - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):173-181.
    This paper derives a no-trade theorem under Knightian uncertainty, which generalizes the theorem of Milgrom and Stokey by allowing general preference relations. It is shown that the no-trade theorem holds true as long as agents' preferences are dynamically consistent in the sense of Machina and Schmeidler, and satisfies the so-called piece-wise monotonicity axiom. A preference satisfying the piece-wise monotonicity axiom does not necessarily imply the additive utility representation, nor is necessarily based on beliefs.
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    Study on Influencing Factors of Micro and Small Enterprises’ Work Safety Behavior in Chinese High-Risk Industries.Wen Li, Xitao Ni, Xiaolin Zuo, Suxia Liu & Qiang Mei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Due to the limited work safety resources and the poor awareness of work safety from business owners with absolute decision-making power, safety accidents frequently occur in Chinese micro and small enterprises in high-risk industries. This study identifies the influencing factors of work safety behavior from MSEs, government safety supervision departments, and work safety service agencies. Based on the theory of planned behavior, the mechanism model of work safety behavior is built from the aspects of behavior attitude, subjective norms, behavior control (...)
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    Investigating the Multidimensionality of the Work-Related Flow Inventory (WOLF): A Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Framework.Honglei Gu, Zhonglin Wen & Xitao Fan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Combining Behavioral and ERP Methodologies to Investigate the Differences Between McGurk Effects Demonstrated by Cantonese and Mandarin Speakers.Juan Zhang, Yaxuan Meng, Catherine McBride, Xitao Fan & Zhen Yuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  6. The Attraction of the Cosmos: How information inducing happiness and impression affects attitudes toward space tourism.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Space tourism is an emerging field where few people have direct experience. However, considering the potential in the near future, it is beneficial to better understand how related information influences people’s attitudes about this new form of tourism. Employing information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 361 respondents consuming content related to space tourism on Chinese social media, we found that induced happiness and impression are positively associated with willingness to try space tourism. Information authenticity positively moderates (...)
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  7. The images of time: an essay on temporal representation.Robin Le Poidevin - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Space Emergence in Contemporary Physics: Why We Do Not Need Fundamentality, Layers of Reality and Emergence.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Disputatio 10 (49):71-95.
    ‘Space does not exist fundamentally: it emerges from a more fundamental non-spatial structure.’ This intriguing claim appears in various research programs in contemporary physics. Philosophers of physics tend to believe that this claim entails either that spacetime does not exist, or that it is derivatively real. In this article, I introduce and defend a third metaphysical interpretation of the claim: reductionism about space. I argue that, as a result, there is no need to subscribe to fundamentality, layers of reality and (...)
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  9. Priority Monism Beyond Spacetime.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (1):95-111.
    I will defend two claims. First, Schaffer's priority monism is in tension with many research programs in quantum gravity. Second, priority monism can be modified into a view more amenable to this physics. The first claim is grounded in the fact that promising approaches to quantum gravity such as loop quantum gravity or string theory deny the fundamental reality of spacetime. Since fundamental spacetime plays an important role in Schaffer's priority monism by being identified with the fundamental structure, namely the (...)
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  10.  49
    Of God who comes to mind.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1998 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Emmanuel Levinas is one of the most original philosophers in the twentieth century. In this book, continuing his thought on obligation, he investigates the possibility that the word God can be understood now, at the end of the twentieth century, in a meaningful way. The thirteen essays collected in this volume offer an introduction to the wide range of Levinas's thought, addresses philosophical questions concerning politics, language and religion and the philosophies of, amongst others, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Marx and Derrida. The (...)
  11. Examining the influence of generalized trust on life satisfaction across different education levels and socioeconomic conditions using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Son Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Extant literature suggests a positive correlation between social trust (also called generalized trust) and life satisfaction. However, the psychological pathways underlying this relationship can be complex. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), we examined the influence of social trust in a high-violence environment. Employing Bayesian analysis on a sample of 1237 adults in Cali, Colombia, we found that in a linear relationship, generalized trust is positively associated with life satisfaction. However, in a model including the interactions between trust and education (...)
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    The Levinas reader.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1989 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Blackwell. Edited by Seán Hand.
    'The Levinas Reader' collects, often for the first time in English, essays by Levinas encompassing every aspect of his thought: the early phenomenological studies written under the guidance and inspiration of Husserl and Heidegger; the fully developed ethical critique of such totalizing philosophies; the pioneering texts on the moral dimension to aesthetics; the rich and subtle readings of the Talmud which are an exemplary model of an ethical, transcendental philosophy at work; the admirable meditations on current political issues.
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  13. Think more before you cheat: The influences of attitudes toward cheating and cognitive reflection on cheating behavior.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cheating is widely considered a condemnable behavior in society and a big problem in the educational system. In this study, we employ the information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework to explore deeper the subjective cost-benefit evaluation involving the perceived value of cheating. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that students who have more positive attitudes toward cheating are more likely to cheat. However, a higher capability of cognitive reflection acts as a moderator (...)
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  14. Trust is for the strong: How health status may influence generalized and personalized trust.Tam-Tri Le, Phuong-Loan Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    In the trust-health relationship, how trusting other people in society may promote good health is a topic often examined. However, the other direction of influence – how health may affect trust – has not been well explored. In order to investigate this possible effect, we employed Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics to go deeper into the information processing mechanisms underlying the expressions of trust. Conducting Bayesian analysis on a dataset of 1237 residents from Cali, Colombia, we found that general health (...)
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  15. Exploring the effects of paranormal belief and gender on precognition task: An application of the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework on parapsychological research.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Precognition is an anomaly in information transmission and interpretation. Extant literature suggests that paranormal beliefs and gender may have significant influences on this unknown information process. This study examines the effects of these two factors, including their interactions, on precognition performance by employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics. Using Bayesian analysis on secondary data of 60 participants, we found that men may have higher chances to score a hit in a precognition task compared to women. Interestingly, stronger beliefs in (...)
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  16. On Ignorance: A Vindication of the Standard View.Pierre Le Morvan - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):379-393.
    Rik Peels has once again forcefully argued that ignorance is not equivalent to the lack or absence of knowledge. In doing so, he endeavors to refute the Standard View of Ignorance according to which they are equivalent, and to advance what he calls the “New View” according to which ignorance is equivalent (merely) to the lack or absence of true belief. I defend the Standard View against his new attempted refutation.
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    Discovering existence with Husserl.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1998 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Richard A. Cohen & Michael B. Smith.
    Contemporary philosophers are increasingly turning to the work of Emmanuel Levinas to bring a consideration of ethics into their own thinking. As an exponent of the phenomenological tradition, Levinas ranks with Heidegger and Sartre; as a disciple of Husserl, he was one of the most independent and original interpreters, testifying to the fruitfulness of Husserl's phenomenology. In collecting almost all of Levinas's articles on Husserlian phenomenology, this volume gathers together a wealth of thoughtful exposition and interpretation by one of the (...)
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  18.  20
    The metabolic basis of dual periodicity of feeding in rats.Jacques Le Magnen - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (4):561-575.
  19. Knowledge before Gettier.Pierre Le Morvan - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (6):1216-1238.
    According to a historical claim oft-repeated by contemporary epistemologists, the ‘traditional’ conception of knowledge prevailed in Western philosophy prior to the publication in 1963 of Edmund’s Gettier’s famous three-page article ‘Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?’. On this conception, knowledge consists of justified true belief. In this article, I critically consider evidence for and against this historical claim, and conclude with a puzzle concerning its widespread acceptance.
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    The Sex of Knowing.Michèle Le Doeuff - 2003 - Routledge.
    First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  21. Arguments against direct realism and how to counter them.Pierre Le Morvan - 2004 - American Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):221-234.
    Since the demise of the Sense-Datum independent objects or events to be objects Theory and Phenomenalism in the last cenof perception; however, unlike Direct Retury, Direct Realism in the philosophy of alists, Indirect Realists take this percepperception has enjoyed a resurgence of tion to be indirect by involving a prior popularity.1 Curiously, however, although awareness of some tertium quid between there have been attempts in the literature the mind and external objects or events.3 to refute some of the arguments against (...)
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  22. Playing the God game : the perils of religious fictionalism.Robin Le Poidevin - 2016 - In Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa, Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Religious Fictionalism.Robin Le Poidevin - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element is an introduction to contemporary religious fictionalism, its motivation and challenges. Among the issues raised are: can religion be viewed as a game of make-believe? In what ways does religious fictionalism parallel positions often labelled 'fictionalist' in ethics and metaphysics? Does religious fictionalism represent an advance over its rivals? Can fictionalism provide an adequate understanding of the characteristic features of the religious life, such as worship, prayer, moral commitment? Does fictionalism face its own version of the problem of (...)
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  24. The Philosophy of time.Robin Le Poidevin & Murray MacBeath (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides a balanced set of reviews which introduce the central topics in the philosophy of time. This is the first introductory anthology on the subject to appear for many years; the contributors are distinguished, and two of the essays are specially written for this collection. In their introduction, the editors summarize the background to the debate, and show the relevance of issues in the philosophy of time for other branches of philosophy and for science. Contributors include J.M.E. McTaggart, (...)
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  25.  29
    On escape =.Emmanuel Lévinas (ed.) - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    First published in 1935, On Escape represents Emmanuel Levinas’s first attempt to break with the ontological obsession of the Western tradition. In it, Levinas not only affirms the necessity of an escape from being, but also gives a meaning and a direction to it. Beginning with an analysis of need not as lack or some external limit to a self-sufficient being, but as a positive relation to our being, Levinas moves through a series of brilliant phenomenological analyses of such phenomena (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Questions of Time and Tense.Robin Le Poidevin - 2001 - Noûs 35 (4):616-629.
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  27. Ubuntu, Ukama and the Healing of Nature, Self and Society.Lesley le Grange - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s2):56-67.
    The erosion of the three interlocking dimensions of nature, society and self is the consequence of what Felix Guattari referred to as integrated world capitalism (IWC). In South Africa the erosion of nature, society and self is also the consequence of centuries of colonialism and decades of apartheid. In this paper I wish to explore how the African philosophy of ubuntu (humanness), which appears to be anthropocentric, might be invoked to contribute to the healing of the three ecologies—how healing of (...)
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    Skepticism as Vice and Virtue.Pierre Le Morvan - 2019 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 9 (3):238-260.
    I articulate and defend a conception of skepticism inspired by Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean. On it, skepticism is vicious when deficient and when excessive. Virtuous skepticism lies as a mean between these two extremes.
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  29. (3 other versions)Science et philosophie.Édouard Le Roy - 1899 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 7 (4):375-425.
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  30. One, two, three, four, nothing more: How numerals are mapped onto core knowledge of number in the construction of the counting principles.Matthew Le Corre & Susan Carey - 2007 - Cognition 105 (2):395-438.
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  31. Women and philosophy.Michele Le Doeuff - 1977 - Radical Philosophy 17:2-11.
  32.  51
    Healthy Skepticism and Practical Wisdom.Pierre Le Morvan - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (1):87-102.
    This paper explores and articulates an alternative to the two main approaches that have come to predominate in contemporary philosophical discussionsof skepticism. These we may call the ‘Foil Approach’ and the ‘Bypass Approach’ respectively. On the Foil Approach, skepticism is treated as a problem to be solved, or challenge to be met, or threat to be parried; skepticism’s value, insofar as it is deemed to have one, accrues from its role as a foil contrastively illuminating what is required for knowledge (...)
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  33.  88
    Fiction and the Agnostic.Robin Le Poidevin - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):163-181.
    Consider the agnostic who thinks that reason and evidence are neutral on the question of God’s existence, and as a result neither believes that God exists nor believes that God does not exist. Can such an agnostic live a genuinely religious life – even one in which God is the central animating idea? They might do so by accepting Pascal’s Wager: the expected rewards will always be greater if one bets on God’s existence than if one does not. Or they (...)
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    Knowledge and Security.Pierre Le Morvan - 2016 - Philosophy 91 (3):411-430.
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  35. Sartre and Honneth on conflict and recognition.Alice Le Goff - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff, Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
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    “I will survive” a construct validation study on the measurement of sustainable employability using different age conceptualizations.M. Le Blanc Pascale, I. J. M. Van der Heijden Beatrice & Van Vuuren Tinka - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Time and Freedom.Robin Le Poidevin - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke, A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 535–548.
    Fatalistic arguments have a long history. Fatalism invites people to look at their metaphysical ideas about time itself, and asks whether there is anything in those ideas that represents a threat to human freedom. The chapter begins by taking a look at the traditional fatalistic argument, and seeing where it fails. It then analyzes recent answers to two questions: Is the future real? Does time really pass? It explores how, together, they constitute a dilemma. The chapter then discusses fallacies of (...)
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    Rational learning and information sampling: On the “naivety” assumption in sampling explanations of judgment biases.Gaël Le Mens & Jerker Denrell - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (2):379-392.
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    The Psychology of Peoples.Gustave Le Bon - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (5):547-549.
  40.  14
    Analysis on the Influence Path of User Knowledge Withholding in Virtual Academic Community – Based on Structural Equation Method-Artificial Neural Network Model.Chengyi Le & Wenxin Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The phenomenon of knowledge withholding is a vital issue that undermines knowledge sharing and innovation, hinders the development of offline and online organizations. Clarifying the relationship between influencing factors and knowledge withholding is significant to improve the phenomenon of knowledge withholding in offline and online organizations. Few types of research focus on the online virtual academic community and integrate the three factors of knowledge, individual, and environment to research knowledge withholding. To solve the limitation, this research is based on sociology (...)
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    Theory of impurity diffusion in metals.A. D. Le Claire - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (106):641-650.
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    Singular coverings and non‐uniform notions of closed set computability.Stéphane Le Roux & Martin Ziegler - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (5):545-560.
    The empty set of course contains no computable point. On the other hand, surprising results due to Zaslavskiĭ, Tseĭtin, Kreisel, and Lacombe have asserted the existence of non-empty co-r. e. closed sets devoid of computable points: sets which are even “large” in the sense of positive Lebesgue measure.This leads us to investigate for various classes of computable real subsets whether they always contain a computable point.
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  43. Evolving Self-taught Neural Networks: The Baldwin Effect and the Emergence of Intelligence.Nam Le - 2019 - In AISB Annual Convention 2019 -- 10th Symposium on AI & Games.
    The so-called Baldwin Effect generally says how learning, as a form of ontogenetic adaptation, can influence the process of phylogenetic adaptation, or evolution. This idea has also been taken into computation in which evolution and learning are used as computational metaphors, including evolving neural networks. This paper presents a technique called evolving self-taught neural networks – neural networks that can teach themselves without external supervision or reward. The self-taught neural network is intrinsically motivated. Moreover, the self-taught neural network is the (...)
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    A bond graph model of the cardiovascular system.V. Le Rolle, A. I. Hernandez, P. Y. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Un positivisme nouveau.E. Le Roy - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:547.
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    Hume, Malebranche, and the Self-Justification of the Passions.Éléonore Le Jallé - 2012 - Hume Studies 38 (2):201-220.
    The Physiological Library’s catalogue shows that Hume had access to Malebranche’s sixth edition of De la recherche de la vérité while a student in Edinburgh.1 The Recherche is also included in the David Hume’s Library.2 While Hume did not agree with Malebranche on all things, a number of commentators have argued that Hume borrowed many points from Malebranche, not only concerning causality and the famous example of the billiard balls3 but also on other subjects. Charles McCracken’s Malebranche and British Philosophy (...)
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    Defamation case law in Hong Kong: A corpus-based study.Winnie le ChengCheng & Jian Li - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (208):203-222.
    Defamation law is a long-standing research focus. Previous studies on defamation law have pointed out the importance of balancing two fundamental issues in law, namely, protection of reputation and freedom of speech. The present corpus-based legal study, using ConcGram 1.0 as the analytical tool, examined the phraseological profile of reported cases on defamation in Hong Kong in order to find out the types of defense and the approach to meaning in the defamation case law in Hong Kong. Regarding defenses to (...)
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    A sociosemiotic interpretation of linguistic modality in legal settings.King Kui le ChengSin - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (185):123-146.
    While a much investigated concept because of its importance in shaping human discourse, modality has still not been given an agreed understanding. Using authentic Chinese court judgments in Hong Kong, this paper aims to unravel the complexity of modality as exemplified in its usage in the legal domain. It examines formal, semantic, and functional approaches to modality, showing their weaknesses in identifying and explaining modality in legal discourse. It proposes a socio-semiotic approach as an alternative for giving us a better (...)
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    Responsibility in the Anthropocene: Paul Ricoeur and the Summons to Responsibility amid Global Environmental Degradation.Michael Le Chevallier - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (2):231-261.
    The nomenclature of the Anthropocene for this geological epoch marks in a novel way the global impact of human activity on the world. Consequently, it creatively raises the alarm bell of global environmental devastation. However, the narrative implicit in the Anthropocene presents challenges to use it as a departure point for developing an ethics of responsibility, as it contains morally relevant but ambiguous etiologies, phenomenological challenges to discrete human agency, and the potential erasure of both causes and victims of global (...)
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  50. Emergence and Reduction.Shaun Le Boutillier - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (2):205-225.
    The question of the ontological status of social wholes has been formative to the development of key positions and debates within modern social theory. Intrinsic to this is the contested meaning of the concept of emergence and the idea that the collective whole is in some way more than the sum of its parts. This claim, in its contemporary form, gives exaggerated importance to a simple truism of re-description that concerns all wholes. In this paper I argue that a better (...)
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